Respect for man and his environment

The olive groves of the "Tenuta Tresca Estate" are managed according to Organic Farming methods in compliance with consumer protection laws. Cultivation takes place according to traditional systems without recurring to chemical synthesis. The growth of spontaneous grass is controlled through a regular and mechanical clipping by using a farm tractor equipped with a grass cutter. Vegetable material left on the land is subject to decomposition and as a decomposed organic substance cycles back to the ground and enriches the soil with mineral salts and with "humus", exactly as it happens in not so much anthropized biocenoses, such as forests. All possible diseases and parasites are monitored through regular tests and pheromone-traps. Any intervention is carried out only if it is strictly necessary. In order to fight parasites and to protect plants, with full respect to the useful fauna and the natural ecological balance, "The Tenuta Tresca Estate" promotes the use of solely natural origin substances , such as vegetable extracts or minerals, which tend to degrade very rapidly with a zero residue in olive oil and some special farming activities with particular regard to predatory species. Even if Organic Farming methods are more expensive in comparison with traditional systems which use chemical treatment techniques, in the "Tenuta Tresca Estate" there is the awareness that environment and human health are more important than personal profit. To guarantee the above, the "Tenuta Tresca Estate" follows the European (EC Reg. 834/2007, 889/2008 and 1235/2008) and the Italian (Ministerial Decree 27/11/2009) Organic Farming legislation and it is subject to strict control processes by the Institution in charge of Control and Third party certification procedures, acknowledged by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies.